Your Haven for Postpartum Support

Nurturing You Through the Postpartum Journey

At Serene Clinic, we understand that the postpartum period is a challenging yet beautiful transformative time for new parents.

Our team is dedicated to providing compassionate support, medical guidance and a calming presence as you navigate the early days of parenthood.

Why Choose  Serene Clinic for Postpartum Doula Services?

Compassionate Care: Our Doulas bring a wealth of compassion to every interaction, understanding the unique challenges and joys of the postpartum period.

Practical Support: From newborn care and breastfeeding assistance, we provide hands-on help, allowing families to rest and recover.

Emotional Guidance: Navigating the emotions of early parenthood can be overwhelming. Our Doulas offer a supportive and empathetic ear, helping you process this chapter and find balance.

Medical Guidance: Our Doulas are Naturopathic Doctors who provide evidence-based information on infant care, feeding and postpartum recovery.

Our Team - Your Partners

Postpartum Doula Services at Serene Clinic

  • Newborn Care Assistance

    Seek support for newborn routines around nursing, changing and sleeping. Overcome the challenge of breastfeeding, pumping or formula feeding.

    Receive education on the first few weeks and months of life for your newborn.

  • Emotional Support

    Our Doulas offer emotional coping strategies during early parenthood.

    We provide time and space for uncovering emotional changes during the postpartum period.

  • Recovery for Parents

    We assist with postpartum healing and recovery, including physical and mental-emotional assistance.

    Our Doulas offer gentle exercises, acupuncture, light massage, supplemental support, and other relaxation techniques to help you recover.


  • A Postpartum Doula provides emotional, practical and informational support to new parents during the postpartum period. This includes assistance with newborn care, medical assessments and recommendations. This can consist of daytime and night-time support.

  • The duration of postpartum doula support varies based on individual family needs. Our Doulas provide short-term and long-term assistance, depending on your family's needs.

  • Absolutely. Our postpartum doulas are trained to offer breastfeeding support, guidance on proper latching, and assistance with common breastfeeding challenges.

  • No, this service benefits all parents, whether it's your first child or subsequent. Each postpartum experience is unique, and our Doulas tailor their support to you.

  • Contact us today to discuss your needs and schedule personalized postpartum services. We're here to support you on your journey into parenthood!